№4 (38) 2019
Demography and social economy, 2019, 4(38):103-115
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.04.103
UDC 316.334.55 : 316.42 (477)
L.V. Holovko
PhD (Economics), Senior Research
Ptоukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Вlvd Taras Shevchenko, 60
E-mail: holovko_lilia@ukr.net
ORCID 0000-0002-3372-764X
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to determine the current trends and new approaches to improving the quality of
communal amenities of housing in rural settlements and the use of vacant housing stock, depending on its state and
needs of the population. The characteristic features and the current state of the rural housing stock of Ukraine are
determined. Asymmetric of the housing stock quality in urban and rural areas is indicated. The level of housing
provision in rural areas is in general, higher than in urban areas, but a significant part of thesе funds made up of
old buildings that require renovation and modernization. The interrelation between the demographic factor and
structural changes in rural housing stock is revealed. A significant role in the negative processes of natural and
mechanical growth of the population, which leads to an increase in the number of vacant houses, while creating
the problem of maintaining the housing stock and the need to find new approaches to its solution, taking into
account social transformations. The indicators of housing stock arrangement in rural areas are analyzed. The
integral index of the modernization of rural housing stock indicating the preservation of territorial disparities
during 2013–2017 is determined. The estimation of quantitative and qualitative indices of housing conditions
of the rural population determining the degree of satisfaction of its social needs is given. Positive tendencies of
rural housing stock modernization in some regions of Ukraine are revealed. The priority directions of creating a
comfortable housing environment in rural settlements depending on the state of the housing stock and the needs
of the population are determined. In particular, the main focus is on the reconstruction of a vacant housing stock
with the use of environmental technologies, the adaptation of new interior styles. New approaches to the use of
vacant rural housing stock in the context of the challenges of society are proposed: the premises of former vocational
schools for the creation of rehabilitation, social and youth centers; vacant residential buildings - to create a
network of social loft housing for low-income families, migrants, victims of techno genic or natural situations,
as temporary social housing for young professionals; Renting farmsteads as a means of accommodation in the
field tourism, in particular in the development of tourist clusters, which is relevant in shaping the trends for the
growth of rural tourism and its types.
Key words: rural housing stock, rural population, countryside, rural settlements, indicators, modernization,
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