№4 (38) 2019
Demography and social economy, 2019, 4(38):86-102
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.04.086
UDC 332.82(477)
Yu. Kogatko
PhD (Geography), Senior Researcher
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko Blvd., 60
E-mail: kogatko@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0003-3392-9783
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to study the needs of the population of Ukraine to improve their living conditions.
It is found that it is almost impossible to evaluate the housing conditions for all indicators for which housing
conditions are studied due to the lack of data, therefore, it is better to select the most important indicators for the
assessment: number of rooms, living space and necessary amenities. We introduce and analyze as an indicator the
minimum necessary living conditions, which we took as living space of more than 13.65 m2 per person, number
of rooms one less than in the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) standards,
presence of running water and sewerage. As indicators of normal living conditions we introduce and analyze
such characteristics as the presence of the number of rooms in accordance with the EU-SILC standard, bath
or shower. It is determined that the worst housing situation is related to the availability of rooms in accordance
with the minimum EU-SILC-1 standard. Since the indicator that most determines the absence of the minimum
necessary living conditions is room availability, large families are in the worst situation. It is shown that if we
consider the deprivation of households with the minimum necessary living conditions in a smaller section, then
most families have a shortage of total living space, but they have a sufficient number of rooms and have running
water and sewerage. It is determined that the provision of the minimum necessary living conditions in the context
of regions depends entirely on the proportion of the rural population. It is shown that all one-room apartments
are not normal living conditions according to European standards, but they are the recognized in Ukraine as a
norm for the life of a single person. It is proved that the majority of households that consist of persons of retirement
age live in housing with a number of rooms above the minimum necessary standard. We calculate the cost of
satisfying the need for a minimum number of SILC-1 rooms, as well as the price for supplying water to houses
without running water. The prices for drilling water wells in the regions are shown to be uneven, depending on
the depth of groundwater, differences in geological structure, and level of economic development.
Key words: housing, housing conditions, minimum necessary living conditions, normal living conditions, housing
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