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№2 (36) 2019

Demography and social economy, 2019, 2(36):165-177
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.02.165
UDC 331.5:005.332.1

L.M. Ilich
Dr. Sc. (Economics), Assosiate Prof, Head of the Chair of Management
Boris Grinchenko Kiev University
04212, Ukraine, Kyiv, Marshal Timoshenko str., 13-B
E-mail: ilyich_l@meta.ua
ORCID 0000-0002-8594-1824

M.O. Krymova
PhD (Economics), Senior Researcher
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko Blvd., 60
E-mail: ilyich_l@meta.ua
ORCID 0000-0002-9753-9672

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the author’s methodology for assessing the competitiveness of the manpower at the region; on level. The methodology is promoted in accordance with the principles of certainty, reasonableness, reliability, implementation and sequence in time. In accordance with the proposed methodology, the assessment of manpower competitiveness occurs in four stages and takes into account both objective indicators and subjective ones (obtained as a result of an expert survey).The first stage deals with the studying of the category “manpower competitiveness”, the determination of factors influencing the processes of its formation and implementation, their systematization and target characteristics, with a consistent selection of performance indicators for each selected factor. The second stage presents the formation of an information base, validation and evaluation of integral indices of regional manpower competitiveness, taking into account the weight of the impact of the integrated assessment indicators on the resultant. The third stage involves the analysis of the estimates obtained, the ranking and grouping of regions by their levels of manpower competitiveness and the sub-indexes of individual components (demographic,educational-professional, economic, conjuncture, technological and infrastructure) with sequential mapping of the results. The fourth stage involves the implementation of a critical analysis of the results obtained, the identification of factors that adversely affect the processes of increasing the manpower competitiveness and the development of practical recommendations aimed at the efficiency of the processes of its formation and realization. The peculiarity of the methodology is its cyclical nature of the assessment process, which increases the opportunities for conducting monitoring research in this area and strengthens the reasoning of management decisions related to the processes of formation and realization of the manpower competitiveness.
Key words: competitiveness, manpower, methods, tools, labor market, evaluation, region.
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