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¹1 (32) 2018

Demography and social economy, 2018, 1(32):58-72
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2018.01.058
ÓÄÊ 330.59:316.34

H.Yu. Mishchuk
Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof.
National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
33028, Ukraine, Rivne, Soborna str., 11
E-mail: mischuk_galina@ukr.net

N.M. Samoliuk
PhD (Economics), Associate Prof
National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
33028, Ukraine, Rivne, Soborna str., 11
E-mail: n.m.samoliuk@nuwm.edu.ua

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In order to measure social justice the paper proposes using an integral indicator developed on the basis of the fundamental principles of the theory of justice. It includes two partial indicators that characterize the level of ensuring fundamental rights and the distribution of socio-economic achievements. In our research we identify the level of social justice on the example of Ukraine and two groups of European Union countries with the most evident and formed trends of economic development and social policy efficiency: a group of leaders (economies with GNI per capita that is higher than the average and income inequality that is below the average even with high tax burden), and a group of countries in which the quality of economic and social regulation processes is lower than the average level in EU. As a consequence it was found that economic leadership of the countries has a close connection with social justice in society both for ensuring of fundamental rights and for the distribution of socio-economic achievements. It was also proved that targeting and ensuring the effectiveness of the state distribution policy in the availability of socio-economic assets beyond the minimum social guarantees is still inferior to efforts to guarantee basic rights and freedoms. The proposed method makes it possible to identify the reserves for the improvement of state distribution mechanisms considering partial indicators of social justice. Comparisons with the leaders in terms of economic and social development reveal the urgent need for the implementation of European experience of social justice ensuring human rights which are observed on a critically low level in Ukraine: property rights, protection of rights in an independent judicial system, freedom from corruption on all levels (it is considered in the wide spread of bribes and unofficial payments). It was also proved that among the priority actions for the equitable distribution of socio-economic achievements the urgent tasks are ensuring the effectiveness of the legal system for resolving disputes and the development of financial services.
Key words: justice, basic rights, economic and social assets, index of social justice.
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