¹2 (22) 2014
Demography and social economy, 2014, 2(22):187-197
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2014.02.187
PhD (Political Science), Researcher
M.V. Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Section: Migration processes
Language: English
Abstract: The process of internal displacement in Ukraine during the six months since it has begun is described in the article. Secondary research was done that included analysis of statistical data, Ukrainian legislation, reports of international organizations, statements of NGOs and Ukrainian authorities. The author distinguishes between two groups of internally displaced persons according to the region of origin – from Crimea and from the Eastern part of Ukraine. An analysis of the main characteristics of different groups of internally displaced persons such as number, growth dynamics, and destination is presented. The author pays attention to the following issues of development of the Ukrainian state policy towards internally displaced persons: terminology, Ukrainian legislation and state bodies, registration system of internally displaced persons, their access to accommodation, social care, and registration of residence. The author proposes the following recommendations: adoption of law regulating and defining special status of internally displaced persons; developing state programs and finding durable solutions for this group of people taking into account their different life strategies; working with public opinion and preventing negative attitudes to the internally displaced persons; amending tax legislation in order to receive financial assistance from different donors.
Key words: internal displacement, state policy, Ukraine.
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