
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

№1 (17) 2012

Demography and social economy, 2012, 1(17):94-102
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2012.01.094


Prospective of public-private partnership for the infrastructure development in Ukraine
Section: Public-private partnership.
Language: Russian
Abstract: Modernization of the existing and creation of new modern infrastructure objects in Ukraine is at the moment one of the urgent tasks of the Ukrainian Government and municipalities. The question is where to find resources and what mechanisms shall be used to solve this task in the conditions that we have in Ukraine now. It is well-known that public-private partnership is one of the most important mechanisms for overcoming of the rapidly increasing “infrastructure gap” (distance between the demand in infrastructure and opportunities of its development). Implementation of projects in form of PPP allows not only to attract financial resources for infrastructure modernization, to use professionalism and knowledge and experience of the private partner,butalsoto unite the affords of the state and business for implementation of socially important projects, to make business the active participant of the reforms conducted in the country. Inthearticlethe author has evaluated the potential and analyzed the opportunities for public-private partnership development in Ukraine. It was determined the priority spheres forusing PPP mechanisms in the country (the most attractive projects are the projects related to modernization of housing and communal infrastructure especially those that suppose construction of new objects and not the liquidation of the existing enterprises), pointed out the most critical factors that hinder PPP development. The author has analyzed the PPP mechanisms that have been used in Ukraine during the last years as well as the foreign experience and made a conclusion that the optimal PPP form in infrastructure is concession agreement. It was also specified the tasks that, if solved, will allow to use PPP instrument for modernization and construction of infrastructure objects in our country.
Key words: public-private partnership, infrastructure development, investment climate, legal regulation, institutional environment, structured projects.
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