№2 (44) 2021
Demography and social economy, 2021, 2(44):37-55
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2021.02.037
UDC 314.3(314.172):316.422.4
JEL Сlassification: J13
I. O. Kurylo, Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof.
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Вlvd Tarasa Shevchenko, 60
E-mail: iryna.kurilo2017@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0002-5082-2024
Scopus ID 57190215809
(Based on World Values Survey (2017-2020) Data)
Language: Ukrainian
The article deals with analysis of relationship between the prevalence of emancipative values
and demographic modernization in the field of reproductive behavior and fertility using the
data of the latest wave of World Values Survey (2017-2020). The study is aimed to compare
the commitment of respondents from different countries to emancipative values (according
to the index “Welzel emancipative values”), to assess the impact this complex “value factor”
has on the number of respondents’ children, on their attitudes to childbirth, on the age of
motherhood. Also focus of this study includes analysis of factors that affect index value, in
particular individual socio-demographic characteristics of respondents. Within this study an
attempt is made for the first time to model the relationship between the commitment to
emancipative values and number of children controlling for the impact of both the individual socio-demographic characteristics of the respondent and the stage of demographic transition in his / her country. Other components of the research with results that potentially can
contribute to the existing literature are related to studying: relationship between the prevalence of emancipative values and the attitude to the evaluative judgment on the mandatory
birth of children; impact of the emancipative values’ spread on motherhood age; impact of
respondents’ socio-demographic characteristics on their commitment to emancipative values (based on the Ukrainian data). Censored Poisson regression is used to model the relationship between the emancipative values index and the number of respondent’s children.
Regression model (linear regression estimated by OLS) is estimated to determine the dependence of value orientations’ (according to Welzel values) on the age of respondents from
Ukraine, controlling for the influence of such variables as sex, education level and type of settlement. Evaluation of the impact average value of Welzel index has on attitudes towards
childbirth, as well as its effect on the mean age of mother at the first child birth is carried out
at the national level based on WVS data using correlation-regression analysis. There is a statistically significant inverse relationship between index of emancipative values and number
of children. The effect of this value factor is bigger in magnitude compared to the effects of
such factors as age, gender, type of settlement, education level of the respondent (all abovementioned effects are statistically significant). There is a strong statistically significant relationship between the prevalence of emancipative values and the increase in the proportion
of those who do not perceive the childbirth as a social duty. Also obtained results reveal that
the spread of emancipative values has statistically significant positive effect on the mother’s
age at the first birth (i.e. with the higher level of emancipative values the mother’s age at the
first birth is increasing). Conducted analysis showed the statistically significant age effect in
the differentiation of the Welzel index among Ukrainian respondents, as well as the effect of
their settlement place and educational level on propensity to emancipative values.
Key words:
emancipative values, demographic modernization, reproductive behavior, number
of children, World Values Survey, Welzel emancipative values, Censored Poisson regression
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