№1 (43) 2021
Demography and social economy, 2021, 1(43):101-116
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2021.01.101
УДК 343.37
JEL Classifi cation: L31, Н30, М14
U. S. Leshenok,
Chief economist
Ptоukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Вlvd Taras Shevchenko, 60
E-mail: leshenok_u@ukr.net
ORCID: 0000-0002-7994-1393
T. V. Lukovych,
Senior Economist
Ptоukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Вlvd Taras Shevchenko, 60
E-mail: tan_luk@ukr.net
ORCID: 0000-0001-5252-7718
Language: Ukrainian
The relevance of the article stems from the need to collect and systemize reliable objective
information about living conditions of the population at the local level. A necessary condition
for managerial decision-making in economy and social policy is reliable estimation of
the population’s living conditions united territorial communities (UTC). The article aims to
cover the principles of organization and use of a system of indicators for living conditions of
the population at the local level. To achieve this aim, general scientifi c methods are used,
namely the method of generalization and the system method. The novelty of the article is the
formulation of the principles of systematization of information on living conditions at the
local level in the form of a system of indicators and the defi nition the tasks of such a system,
as well as data sources for implementation these tasks. Based on Ukrainian approaches, “living
conditions” are defi ned as a component of quality of life, which includes three groups
of indicators: housing availability, quality characteristics of housing and the level of development
and accessibility of social infrastructure. Also, to take into account the European experience
of studying the living conditions of the population at the local level, for subjective
assessments of satisfaction with life of the local population in the settlement, a particular
section is introduced in the system of indicators. The focus of this article is on the subjective
component, namely the ability to measure life satisfaction in the community and ways to use
such subjective assessments within the system of indicators of living conditions at the local
level. Satisfaction with life in the settlement is defi ned as an individual’s assessment of quality
of own life according to a criterion chosen in a certain way. Several approaches to measuring
life satisfaction in the settlement are introduced: approaches in which satisfaction with life is
measured on the basis of one indicator, and approaches in which several indicators are used.
If satisfaction with life is measured by one direct question, it is one indicator, but in the case
of several statements that the respondent evaluates on a certain scale, each statement is a
separate indicator. In the further analysis of the collected data such indicators can be analyzed
separately or simultaneously by building a general index.
Based on the interpretation of the concept of “living conditions”, this article identifi es
three objectives for a system of indicators of living conditions of united territorial communities
(UTC): monitoring of living conditions, identifying key problems for UTC and comparing
diff erent UTCs on the basis of living conditions of the local population. For the fi rst
and third objectives, among the possible sources of information, data from registers are offered,
and for the second purpose we off er expert surveys, focus group discussions, open
group discussions.
The problems of data representation are also discussed in this article. Despite the data
being quite fragmented, the format of their presentation should be easy for users (both local
authorities and community activists and the media). One possible way to present such data is
the format used within methodology of citizen report cards.
Key words:
living conditions, satisfaction with life, open group discussions, citizen report cards.
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