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№4 (42) 2020

Demography and social economy, 2020, 4(42):3-24
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2020.04.003
UDC: 351.755.3 : 351.755(4-17)

M. V. Puhachova,
Dr. Sc. (Еconomics), Senior Researcher, Chief Researcher
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Blvd Taras Shevchenko, 60
Е-mail: maryni@ukr.net
ORCID 0000-0003-1680-4284

O. M. Gladun,
Dr. Sc. (Еconomics), Senior Researcher, Corresponding Member
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Deputy Director
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine 01032, Ukraine,
Kyiv, Blvd Taras Shevchenko, 60
Е-mail: gladun.ua@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0001-6354-6180

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Electronic registry systems, established in many European countries, have long proven their eff ectiveness in various areas of the functioning of the state and separate fi rms and in improving the interaction of the population with government and private organizations. Population registers have a special place in the systems of registers. Th ey provide comprehensive and complete personal information, while saving time and eff ort in solving urgent problems, requests and requirements related to health, education, property, employment, pensions, social assistance, etc. Population registers have also proven their eff ectiveness in recent rounds of population and housing censuses. Northern European countries are pioneers in the creation and use of population register systems. Th e relevance of the article for Ukraine is due to: the active development of various registers, which, however, interact poorly with each other and do not constitute a holistic system; the need to take into account the experience of advanced countries in creating a full-fl edged system of registers. Th e purpose of the article is to summarize the experience of northern European countries in the creation and operation of register systems and to determine the role of the central population register as one of the basic registers. Th e novelty of the article lies in a generalized and comparative analysis of the register systems of the Nordic countries, a study of the role of the central population register and other basic and specialized registers as providers of information about the population. Research methods: systems analysis, scientifi c generalization, comparative analysis, methods of research of complex systems. Th e article investigates the general aspects of the creation and use of population registers in Northern Europe. A characteristic feature of northern European countries, in contrast to Ukraine, is the systematic in creation of separate registers, when a certain administrative register immediately determines the place in the general system and the relationship with other, primarily basic, registers. Th e example of two of the most advanced countries in this issue - Denmark and Norway — analyzes the measures to create systems of personal identifi cation numbers and the practice of using these numbers in registry systems. Examples of subsystems of health and education registers, as well as some other registers containing personalized information, are given. Based on the experience of northern European countries, proposals are formulated to create a real functioning system of registers in Ukraine.
Key words: system of electronic registers, population registers, personal identifi cation number, Northern European countries.
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