№3 (41) 2020
Demography and social economy, 2020, 3(41):114-131
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2020.03.114
UDC [303.425/.8/.732]:37
О.M. Khmelevska,
PhD (Economics), Leading Researcher
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social
Studies of the NAS of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Blvd Taras Shevchenkо, 60
E-mail: kh_o@ukr.net
ORCID 0000-0002-6982-1312
Language: Ukrainian
Th e educational novations that have already proven their eff ectiveness and relevance at the
level of pilot projects, programs, practices, including in other countries, are considered as
one of the ways to improve the quality of education in Ukraine. It demands using the applied
potential of the concept of scaling up, which allows to justify the structure and algorithm of
interrelated actions at diff erent institutional and managerial levels.
Th e relevance of the article is determined by the fact that a scaling up in the fi eld of edu
cation at international level is currently infl uenced by interdisciplinary intelligence and the
rapid accumulation of empirical data in new areas of educational activities, including sus
tainable development. However, among domestic scientists and experts, the topic of scal
ing up still remains undervalued. Th is presupposes the expediency of generalizing the con
ceptual framework and institutional scaling up practices for further conceptualization of the
scaling up process.
Th e purpose of this article is to formulate a multidimensional conceptualization of scal
ing up of educational novations, which takes into account modern theoretical and empirical
studies of scaling up in socially signifi cant areas, as well as the logic of consistency of key
components, processes and results of scaling up.
Th e novelty of this study is characterized by the following provisions. Th e multidimen
sional conceptualization of scaling up of educational novations was further developed. It is
suggested to consider novation as a scaling object, because this notion is broader than innova
tion and covers a wider range of educational activities, including the implementation of sus
tainable development principles. Th e necessity to introduce the English term “scaling site”
into the domestic scientifi c circulation is grounded, which is important for understanding
and interpretation of the scaling up conception.
Among the results of the study it is worth noting the author’s proposed visualization of
the scaling up model, which generates various interdisciplinary ideas and structures of the
scaling up process from a systemic point of view and covers the key stages and cycles of scal
ing up. Th e focus is also on elements and strategies of scaling up (subjects, contexts, dimen
sions, resources and fi nancial models, approaches and drivers of scaling up), adaptation sce
narios (sites, levels, sectors, cycles and duration of scaling up) and object transformation sce
narios (including the monitoring and evaluation). Th e study allows concluding that it is
appropriate to use the scaling up conception in areas of educational activities, for which the
eff ectiveness and rates of implementation of relevant novations are critical.
Key words:
educational novation, scaling up conception, scaling object, scaling subject, scaling site, scaling strategy, scaling scenario.
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