№3 (41) 2020
Demography and social economy, 2020, 3(41):91-113
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2020.03.091
UDC 64.044.2
Yu.V. Horemykina,
PhD (Economics), Senior Researcher
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social
Studies of the NAS of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Blvd Taras Shevchenko, 60
E-mail: refer5718@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0003-1580-7993
Language: Ukrainian
Th is article is devoted to the issues of formation and functioning of innovative social work
practices in Ukraine. Its purpose is to highlight the best examples of innovative social
work practices for vulnerable groups in the country and to analyze the possibilities for their
further application. Th e relevance of the study, on the one hand, is conditioned by the
humanization of approaches to building relationships between the individual and the social
protection system, the appearance at the state level of the requirements for the quality of
social services, which are refl ected in the activities of social services, creating certain new
models of work with socially vulnerable groups of citizens, and on the other hand it is conditioned by the severity and unresolvedness of a number of social problems related to the
social protection of vulnerable populations. Such general scientifi c methods as generalization and analogies logical analysis are used for realization of the purpose. Innovative prac-
tices are practices in the fi eld of social work practices for vulnerable groups, which have
emerged as new ways of meeting the urgent needs of social service clients and aiming to
achieve the most eff ective result both in solving the problems of individuals in need and social
problems in general. Th e author proposes the algorithm for the formation of innovative social
work practice, which covers all stages from the identifi cation of the need for such practice to
the beginning of the functioning of an innovative practice. It is found that case management
and integrated social services are the most widespread among innovative practices in the fi eld
of social work in Ukraine. Th e article analyzes the specifi cs of both innovative practices and
identifies and justifies the ways of their further development. Both practices have proven
their eff ectiveness and fl exibility in solving specifi c social problems, and therefore the
possibilities of their application (including in the newly created territorial communities) are
expected to be expand in the future. Combined, these practices are able to ensure the high
effi ciency of the domestic social service delivery system.
Key words:
social work, innovative practices, case management, integrated social services.
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