№2 (40) 2020
Demography and social economy, 2020, 2(40):103-138
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2020.02.103
UDC 005.96-053.81:[331.52:004]
JEL Сlassification: J00, J21
А.M. Kolot,
ScD (Economics), Professor,
Vice rector in Charge of Research and Academic Affairs
SHEI “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”
Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Prospect Peremogy, 54/1
E-mail: kolot@kneu.edu.ua
ORCID 0000-0002-4393-9806
O.A. Herasymenko,
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor
Department of Innovation and Investment Management,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Ukraine, 03022, Kyiv, Vasylkivska Street, 90A
E-mail: gerasimenko_o_o@ukr.net
ORCID 0000-0002-1122-1189
Language: Ukrainian
The study of the social and labor relations of the digital age within the context of the theory
of generations and the applied aspects of its use at the present stage, without exaggeration,
should lay new foundations for ensuring the sustainability of social and labor development
and achieving a new, higher level of social quality on this basis. The lack of systematic, interdisciplinary studies of those facets and aspects that not only reflect, but also explain from
a scientific standpoint, on the one hand, unidirectionality, and on the other — the contradiction of the interaction of two phenomena of the present - the social and labor platform
“Labor 4.0” and “digital” Generation (Generation Z) confirms the relevance of the topic of
the article.
The aim of the research is to increase scientific knowledge and to obtain additional arguments regarding the correspondence of the social and labor platform “Labor 4.0” to the
possibilities of self-realization of the “digital” generation (generation Z), the coherence of
the development of two socially significant institutions, which should contribute to the elabo ration of a roadmap for social and labor development in interrelation with generational
trends of the digital age in the future.
A fundamentally new result is the scientific argumentation of the interaction between
the “digital” generation (generation Z) and the new social and labor reality, which by the
author’s concept is presented as a platform “Labor 4.0”, — from the perspective of unidirectionality and contradiction of their development. The authors defend the belief that
the platform “Labor 4.0”, on the one hand, gives young people new opportunities, area for
self-reali zation and self-expression, on the other hand — creates new challenges, limitations and threats. It has been proven that “Labor 4.0” is a more attractive and receptive institute for Generation Z than for representatives of other generations in the context of
adapting to changes that are becoming a norm rather than exception in the new economy’s
The systematic and interdisciplinary approaches have become the methodological basis
of scientific research. General scientific and special methods of scientific researches — theoretical generalization, induction and deduction, abstract-logical, historical and classification, comparative analysis, logical substantiation, hypothetical, — have been used in order to
give reasons for the answers to a number of questions put by the authors of the article before
the scientists in the area of labor.
The basic principles of the theory of generations and scientific and applied aspects of
its use in the practice of human resources management have been revealed in order to achieve the set goal. The features of the “digital” generation have been highlighted; the emphasis
has been placed the personal, psychophysiological qualities of Generation Z representati ves
which are increasingly becoming a part of the total labor force. The variety of characteristics
of the platform “Labor 4.0”, which give an idea regarding the new social and labor reality,
has been substantiated and outlined. Preliminary investigations of new opportunities and
challenges that await Generation Z representatives as a part of the total labor force the platform “Labor 4.0”in have been made.
Key words:
social and labor development, Labor Platform 4.0, Digital Generation (Generation Z), Downshifting, HR Strategies.
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