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№4 (38) 2019

Demography and social economy, 2019, 4(38):116-129
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.04.116
UDC 338.43:332.12 (477)

H.А. Krayevska
PhD (Economics), Senior Research Fellow
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
оf the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Вlvd Taras Shevchenko, 60
E-mail: kraevskah@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0002-0239-8855

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The purpose of the article is determination of features of social development policy of rural settlements of the European countries for substantiating actual directions acceptable for Ukraine. The applied comparative normatively legal analysis of rural development processes of the European countries and Ukraine makes it possible to estimate the significance of the social component in a public policy. On the basis of comparisons between countries the estimation of optimum structure of financing of rural development is carried out. Priorities of transformation of rural development in the European countries in the context of the newest tendencies are illustrated with the use of method of graphic analysis. The features of social development of rural settlements in European countries are investigated. It is revealed that rural development has an institutionalized basis in which the social component is one of the main ones. Institutions are designed to share experiences, information, monitor the implementation of national rural development programs, determination of their priorities and prospects. The basic concepts of evolution of social development of the village from the branch, territorial, local endogenous to the holistic development, which consists in harmonization with ecosystems, freedom, gender equality and ensuring of human rights in the broadest sense, are analyzed. A system of policy measures that are implemented in practice and correspond to them is outlined. It is established that a large part of the EU’s rural development measures have an indirect impact on the social development of rural settlements. These include: direct financial support for farmers, promotion of value added chains, business support through skills development, business risk minimization, debureaucratization of this process, and prioritization of support for small enterprises. The approaches and practices of the European social development policy of the village are found to be appropriate for Ukraine. It is revealed that the main instruments of the policy are structural funds, targeted programs and projects on the basis of grant support. Their success is achieved through lability and feedback, which allows them to adjust the measures to meet the needs of the application process. The national differences of the European countries in realizing the social priorities of rural development are analyzed. Special attention is paid to Germany, which is characterized by a specific vision of the social development of the countryside, which is based on activation through programmatic support of untapped potential by the target categories of the rural population: persons of retirement age, young people wishing to live in a place of residence, households of several generations. The expedience of applying the smart-community model in Ukraine for economically growing settlement structures is substantiated.
Key words: rural settlements, social development, European experience, smart community, conceptual approaches.
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