№4 (38) 2019
Demography and social economy, 2019, 4(38):71-85
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.04.071
UDC 330.59(477)
V.P. Antoniuk
Doctor of Economics, prof., Chief Researcher
Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
03057, Ukraine, Kyiv, st. Mary Kapnist, 2
E-mail: antonukvp@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0003-2100-7343
L.V. Shchetinina
PhD (Economics), associate professor, Senior Researcher
Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
03057, Ukraine, Kyiv, st. Mary Kapnist, 2
E-mail: sludval@ukr.net
ORCID 0000-0003-1519-0647
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: An analysis of the basic parameters of living standards in Ukraine in the last five years is carried out in the article
on the basis of statistical information. The peculiarities of analysis of the welfare of the population of Ukraine,
consisting of the absence of complete reliable information on incomes of the population, are characterized. Based
on the analysis of a number of indicators, it is proved that the greatest decline in living standards occurred in
2014 and 2015, with some positive changes in 2017. The purpose of the article is to identify the most acute
problems in the living standards of the Ukrainian population and to develop adequate social policy directions in
the field of improving its welfare. The most significant results of the study are the following: the main tendencies
of changes in the indicators of the living standard of the population are established, in particular: the growth
of real incomes has been restored, but their volume has not recovered to the level of 2013; wages are growing
dynamically, but wage arrears are also increasing; pensions are rising, but to a lesser extent than wages; there
has not been a significant reduction in savings on household deposits; retail sales and demand for services are
increasing. The analysis of the living standard of the population is carried out on the indicators of the share of
expenses of households, which are directed to foodstuffs; the proportion of workers who have low wages; the share
of the population with incomes below the actual living wage. It is concluded that, despite the difficult economic
situation, the government social policy can be characterized as satisfactory, because it reversed the negative trend
and achieved some success in overcoming poverty. On the basis of macroeconomic indicators, an assessment of
socioeconomic policy is made, which indicates positive changes in the dynamics of factor incomes, but indicates
a narrowing of the social orientation of the state budget. There are many unresolved issues in the welfare of
Ukrainians, for which the priority tasks of socio-economic policy in the context of the goals of sustainable
development are substantiated. It is established that ambiguity of assessment processes in the financial situation
of the population is caused by the lack of complete information on the statistical data, household survey data;
lack of information about shadow revenues. The socio-economic policy in Ukraine is estimated by the author’s
causative and consequential model. The directions of social policy in the field of increasing the population wellbeing are developed and substantiated.
Key words: social policy, population living standard, population welfare, financial situation of the population.
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