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№4 (38) 2019

Demography and social economy, 2019, 4(38):58-70
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.04.050
UDC 314.14 (478)

Scientific researcher
Centre for Demographic Research
National Institute for Economic Research, Republic of Moldova
MD-2064, Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Ion Creanga, 45
E-mail: vitalie.stirba@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0001-5948-6509

Scientific researcher, PhD student
Centre for Demographic Research
National Institute for Economic Research, Republic of Moldova
MD-2064, Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Ion Creanga, 45
E-mail: bragairina92@mail.ru
ORCID 0000-0002-6595-9146

Language: English
Abstract: During the last decades, life expectancy in the Republic of Moldova has shown slow and fluctuating growth, which has been largely due to high mortality caused by degenerative diseases (cardiovascular diseases and neoplasms) in adult and elderly population. A potential reduction in mortality can be achieved by reducing preventable deaths, which accentuates the necessity for studying this phenomenon in the current conditions of the Republic of Moldova. The purpose of the paper is to analyze avoidable mortality in the Republic of Moldova and its contribution to the life expectancy at birth change during the years 2000–2014. Given the contested quality of the official denominator, the alternative data on population exposure is used for more accurate calculations. In order to compare the life expectancy at birth components, the method of decomposition of mortality is used. In the period 2000–2014 life expectancy increased by 1.21 years for males and 2.45 years for females. It is substantiated that in 2000–2014 avoidable mortality decreased. In 2014 the share of deaths that could be avoided of the total registered number of deaths was 56.6 % for males and 34.1 % for females compared to 61.5 % for males and 43.9 % for females in 2000. It is revealed that reductions in avoidable mortality determine the substantial part of gains in life expectancy at birth – 1.17 years for males and 1.99 years for females. The highest share of avoidable deaths in total observed deaths is recorded at age 0 and above 50. In the 2000–2014 period, numerical reduction of the avoidable deaths led to a structural change in the causes of death in total mortality. The most considerable part of preventable and amenable deaths is caused by circulatory system diseases, neoplasms, respiratory system diseases and external causes of death. The excess of deaths among the young population is the most disadvantageous factor in the life expectancy changes and highlights a solid number of potential years of life lost. An excess of deaths among the middle of the young population, the most unpleasant factor in the growth of life’s triviality, and the reduction in the number of potential life losses. Further studies will be focused on the identification of the most vulnerable age groups exposed to the risk and calculations of the potential resources for increasing the life expectancy.
Key words: mortality, avoidable causes of death, life expectancy, method of decomposition, structural changes in mortality.
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