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№4 (38) 2019

Demography and social economy, 2019, 4(38):30-41
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.04.030
UDC 311, 311,5: 314 (477)

O.V. Makarova
Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Dr. Sc. (Economy)
Deputy Director for Science
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Вlvd Taras Shevchenkо, 60
E-mail: makarova_h@ukr.net
ORCID 0000-0001-8463-0314

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The aim of the article is to justify utilizing time-use surveys for national monitoring of gender equality and the development of gender policies. The following research methods are used: generalizations and analogies, logical analysis, statistical data analysis, graphical method for data presentation. Based on the commitments made by Ukraine in the field of gender statistics, the issue of improving information support is quite relevant. Time-use surveys can be a powerful source of information for monitoring gender policy. The objective of the survey is also to fill in gaps in national gender statistics in accordance with Ukraine’s international obligations. The article presents an objective historical review of domestic and foreign practice of conducting time-use surveys. The modern experience of conducting harmonized time-use surveys in Europe is summarized. The main possibilities of using data are described: refinement of macroeconomic indicators, in particular, GDP; adjustment of employment indicators taking into account unpaid labor; identification of the problem of child labor; clarification of the characteristics of the quality of life. Based on the available statistical data of the Economic Commission for Europe, indicators of the gender balance of time use in the aspect of quality of life characteristics are calculated. Ratings of 35 countries of the world are constructed according to the degree of gender imbalance in the use of time spent on work (including unpaid work: childcare, cleaning, cooking), leisure and physical activity. The analysis of the obtained results is made and patterns of gender characteristics of the quality of life in different countries of the world are revealed. The article also addresses the need for a theoretical justification and classification of ways to use time as characteristics of the quality of life, as well as a more thorough study of such a phenomenon as the “press of time”. The general methodological problems of conducting time-use surveys, in particular, regarding the forms and methods of conducting research, depending on their goals, are described, as well as the questions of sampling and the use of classifiers of activities. Based on a synthesis of the best world practices and assessment of the real possibilities of Ukrainian statics proposals are formed regarding the possibilities and prospects of conducting such studies in Ukraine.
Key words: statistics of time use, information gaps, quality of life, gender equality, working time, leisure, temporary press, gender ratio, gender policy.
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