№3 (37) 2019
Demography and social economy, 2019, 3(37): 57-72
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.03.057
UDC 331.556.4:336.743(477)
O.G. Сhubаr
PhD in Economics, senior research fellow
State Institution of Higher Learning «Uzhhorod National University»
88020, Ukraine, Uzhhorod, University Str.,14, apt. 405
E-mail: оksana.chbr@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0002-5952-5034
K.S. Mashiko
PhD in Economics, Deputy director for scientific work
Zakarpattya Regional Centre for Socio-Economic
and Humanities Research of NAS of Ukraine
88017, Ukraine, Uzhhorod, University Str., 21, apt. 508
E-mail: ekaterinna333@gmail.com
ОRCID 0000-0002-2918-7230
Language: Ukrainian
The aim of the article is to research modern macroeconomic peculiarities of labor migrants’ money transfers to
Ukraine, revealing the features in a regional spectrum. The impact of the migrants’ transfers on socio-economic
processes on macro-level and households is examined. Additionally, a regional level of analysis was outlined –
mezzo-level, with the help of which it will be possible to conduct more effective policy of stimulation and regional
usage of migrant’s income. The National Bank of Ukraine statistics on dynamics of private money transfers is
analyzed and importance of improvement of methods for accounting informal ways money transfers is stressed.
The regional aspect of forming the migrants’ income, ways and features of its transfer to Ukraine, specific
characteristics and differences in dynamics of money transfers to western regions is reviewed and explored.
Methodical approaches to defining amounts of labor migrants’ money transfers on a regional level are improved
making it possible to approximate these incomes by formal and informal channels in retrospect of enlargement
of territorial zones of Ukraine. Assessment of transfers via informal channels is performed in accordance to the
migrants’ proclivity to those methods depending on the country of a temporary residence. Evaluation of formal
transfers is based on official NBU statistic data of private individual currency transfers to Ukraine over different
regions. The western regions make up around 53.17 % of transfers, eastern – 18.47 %, and southern – 10.61 %.
The total transfers by labor migrant amounted to $17.64 billion in 2015–2017. Overall, in Ukraine transfers via
informal channels ($10.09 billions) dominate, whereas on a territorial spectrum various differences are present.
For detalization and more precise assessment of regional specifics it’s recommended to improve approaches to
monitoring the flows of money transfers on both macro and regional levels.
Key words: money transfers, remuneration, region, labor migrants, formal and informal channels.
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