№2 (36) 2019
Demography and social economy, 2019, 2(36):109-120
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.02.109
UDC 316.776.4(477):33.025
O.F. Novikova
Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof., Deputy Director
Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine
03057, Ukraine, Kyiv, Marii Kapnist Str., 2
E-mail: novikovaof9@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0002-8263-1054
L.L. Shamileva
Ph.D. (Economics), Leading Researcher
Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine
03057, Ukraine, Kyiv, Marii Kapnist Str., 2
E-mail: larisashamileva2017@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0003-4738-0728
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Innovative results of researches in the development of a methodical provision of quantitative assessment of the
levels of social injustice in relation to IDPs in certain spheres are given. The purpose of the article is to assess the level of manifestation of social injustice regarding internally displaced persons according to the developed and
tested author’s methodology. The main directions of discrimination are ranked systematically, with the assessment
of levels for each component. A comparative approach is used from the basic concept of social justice, which
defines the degree of implementation of the basic principles of social justice in the main spheres of life support of
IDPs and permanent population. According to the tried and tested method of assessing the level of social justice,
it was determined that the security of material welfare of the IDPs is 29 % lower than that of the permanent
population, and the poverty rate among the IDPs is 72 % higher than the permanent population by the criterion
of deprivation “Forced to save even for food”. The level of economic security in the labor market is 30 % lower
than in the permanent population, and the level of accessibility to the market of social services for IDPs is 33 %
lower than for the permanent population. In the IDPs, 22 % less is the opportunity to receive medical services,
almost 50% buy medicines, and 22 % of IDPs state that there is insufficient funds to pay for rental housing and
housing and communal services. According to the self-rating of 57 % of the IDPs, the level of integration in the
local communities is lower than that of the permanent population. Insufficient provision of social justice is cited
by 96% of IDPs and by 88 % of the permanent population. In general, the value of the integral indicator shows
that the level of achievement of social justice in certain areas of its manifestation among the IDPs is 30.5 % lower
than among the resident population. Social justice in relation to the IDPs is determined by the excess of the level
of poverty by 3.6 times than the permanent population. Every tenth migrant was forced to save even on food.
Due to the lack of funds, IDPs are limited in the ability to get any profession, purchase medicines, pay rent and
utility services. Among immigrants, there is a significantly higher level of unemployment, especially long-term,
than among the resident population. Consequently, the existence of discrimination in relation to IDPs can be
traced when the basic principles in social justice are violated, which are determined by the social justice index
according to the EU methodology.
Key words: social justice, discrimination, protection, social risks, integral indicator, internally displaced persons,
permanent population
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