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№2 (36) 2019

Demography and social economy, 2019, 2(36):96-108
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.02.096
UDC 330.3(339)

Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof., Corresponding Member
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Director General of the Research Institute
for System Statistical Studies
04053, Ukraine, Kyiv, Lvivska square, 14
Е-mail: imantsurov@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0003-1753-0422

PhD (Economics), Docent of Statistical Department
SHEI “Kyiv National Economic University
named after Vadym Hetman”
04053, Ukraine, Kyiv, Lvivska square, 14
Е-mail: yakhrapunova@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0002-6311-3235

Language: English
Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the inclusive economic growth and development overall concept, which represents an extremely important, however, overly overdue attempt to establish a link between economic growth and distribution among people and social groups that has to contribute in achieving the future generations’ vital interests. The purpose of the article is to measure the inclusive growth’s quantitative and qualitative characteristics in Ukraine as well as to define their compliance with the standards recommended by the well-known international organizations. It is proven that the inclusive growth is a potentially important contemporary agenda, but the issue is still to be resolved. In order to solve this task, the methodological basis needed for successful inclusive growth and development qualitative and quantitative measurement that has to show the role of governments in their efforts to reach significantly higher level of labor productivity and social equality as well as to save the environment. In the framework of this methodological approach, authors have improved the system of statistical indicators developed by the international organizations, in particular, by the OECD and WEF, and applied this system in order to measure the inclusive growth quantitative and qualitative characteristics in Ukraine. According to the analysis results that have been achieved, it is proved that the current model of economic behavior in Ukraine does not take into account the contemporary challenges, rules and regulations recommended by the international community. The main scientific results are presented as follows: the first section provides a brief history of the concept and its roots’ evolution in the development policy contemporary scientific literature, the second section considers various definitions of the ‘Inclusive Growth and Development’ concept, the third section concludes with an evaluation of the concept and its qualitative and quantitative measurement on the basis of real Ukrainian statistical data. The third section also provides the conceptual recommendations for improving the state economic policy and the Ukrainian Government’s economic behavior.
Key words: statistical measurement of the national economy characteristics, inclusive growth and development, economic dynamics and inclusive growth models of the government’s economic behavior, improvement of the state economic policy.
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