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№2 (36) 2019

Demography and social economy, 2019, 2(36):11-25
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.02.011
UDC 314.18 : 316.42(477)

PhD (Economics), Leading Researcher,
Ptoukha’s Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko Blvd., 60
E-mail: geranna@ukr.net
ORCID 0000-0002-2854-7257

Language: English
Abstract: The article addresses the issues related to the development of a proper institutional environment in order to prevent and combat domestic violence in Ukraine. The study objectives are targeted at examination of the gaps that restrain the efficiency of the present system of response to the incidents of domestic violence and development of the recommendations on potential ways to solve these problems. A review of the recent studies on gender-based and domestic violence is provided by the author. The novelties of the national legislation are examined in detail, in particular those that provide new tools and mechanisms to strengthen the protection of the victims of violence and to prosecute the offenders effectively. In particular, the new Law of Ukraine ‘On Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence’ institutionalizes the concepts of psychological and economic violence, introduces a system of special measures against the perpetrators, including emergency protection order (EPO), and specialized services for the victims of domestic violence. It is important that the Law identifies a clear procedure for the interaction of all actors involved in prevention-and-response to domestic violence in order to provide a prompt assistance to those in need. The article also provides an overview of important by-laws passed to meet the requirements of the Law and designed to strengthen a fight against domestic violence. The author analyzes the features of the modern system of response to domestic violence, including activities of various actors – the law enforcement agencies, centers of social services, shelters for the victims of domestic violence, the national hotline on gender-based discrimination and domestic violence, etc. The innovative projects of prevention of domestic violence have been implemented in the country, including mobile brigades of social and psychological assistance and the Polina Police Network against Domestic Violence. Based on the results of the analysis, general conclusions are drawn about the gaps that persist in the coordination processes, and recommendations are provided on improving the institutional mechanisms for combating domestic violence. The study findings can be used to develop public policy, to implement the information campaigns and to ground advocacy efforts to improve the entire system of services provided to the victims of violence and their families.
Key words: domestic violence, Law of Domestic Violence, police network against domestic violence, social services, mobile brigades of social and psychological help.
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