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№2 (36) 2019

Demography and social economy, 2019, 2(36):178-193
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.02.178
UDC 519.7

I. L. Tatomur
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of departments of Economics and Management
Drohobych State Pedagogical University after Ivan Franko
82100, Ukraine, Drohobych, Ivan Franko Str., 24
Е-mail: Tatomur@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0002-3274-7083

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper analyzes the pessimistic and optimistic predictions of economists regarding the further role of artificial intelligence in automation processes. The influence of modern mega-trends on the global labor market is substantiated and the areas that are most affected by robotics are identified. The directions of modernization of the education system at the national level are proposed in order to ensure the competitiveness of the labor force and its rapid adaptation to changes in demand and supply in the labor market. It is a question of reorganizing the primary education system with the mandatory introduction of IT-disciplines into curricula, supporting initiatives to promote courses Coursera, Edx, Udemy, Udasity and other providers, which would allow Ukrainian students to study on world programs, increase the number of educational institutions according to the vocational and technical direction, the introduction of active retraining systems at work. An increase in state funding for research on artificial intelligence, the use of new combinations of public-private and academic cooperation, and the provision of various types of fiscal incentives to support technological start-ups, which are designed to improve production processes, are seen as needed. A digital education and cooperation with European universities in the field of artificial intelligence for a better exchange of work, informing young people and the academic community about the educational initiatives of technology companies, organizing summer schools for the study of IT technologies and the participation of our students and students in such projects for the border. It would be desirable to create specialized institutes and departments of artificial intelligence, robotics and machine science, which would closely cooperate with schools and private techno-architects, inviting to cooperation specialists who have experience in the IT industry, in the role of mentors, to help students in choosing interesting topics for educational projects, the introduction of scholarships for gifted youth and teachers engaged in research in the field of artificial intelligence.
Key words: artificial intelligence, occupations retired, density of robotics, class of unnecessary people, atlas of professions.
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