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№1 (35) 2019

Demography and social economy, 2019, 1(35):126-138
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.01.114
UDC 378.014.6.063:331.5(100:4)]:005.332.4(477)

O.S. Hrynkevych
Doctor of Science (Economics), Associate Professor
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
79008, Ukraine, Lviv, Svobody Ave., 18
E-mail: OGrynkevych@gmail.com

U.Ya. Sadova
Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor
Head of the Research Center «DEMOS»
Lviv Polytechnic National University
79013 Ukraine, Lviv, Mytropolyt Andrei str., 4/10
E-mail: sadlu2004@gmail.com

O.O. Levytska
Doctor of Philosophy (Economics), Senior Research Worker
State Institution «Institute of Regional Research named after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine»
79026, Ukraine, Lviv, Kozelnytska str., 4
E-mail: o.levytska@gmail.com

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to substantiate the expediency of graduates’ employment monitoring in Ukraine’s higher education system, as well as the description of the mechanism of its introduction taking into account the experience of European and other countries of the world. The results of the study of international experience in monitoring the university graduates’ careers in the context of the possibilities of its implementation in the system of higher and vocational education of Ukraine are summarized and systematized. It is made clear that the formation of a database on the employment and earnings of graduates in European and other developed countries can be carried out in three main ways: 1) creation of integrated databases on the basis of administrative registers of taxpayers and social contributions at the national level (Republic of Poland, Russian Federation); 2) carrying out special sociological surveys of graduates and employers on the employment and training quality of specialists and their income level (Australia, United States of America); 3) analysis of job search sites and other information resources with the information on employers’ vacancies and job seekers’ resumes. The expediency of the creation and use of the state integrated database on the employment of graduates of higher and vocational education institutions in Ukraine as a component of the system of monitoring the education quality at the national level is substantiated for the first time. The information sources of the formation of an integrated database on graduates’ professional development are determined, namely the administrative data of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (the Uniform State Electronic Education Base), the Pension Fund (Insured Personnel Register), the State Fiscal Service and the State Employment Service. The introduction of a mechanism for monitoring graduates’ employment in Ukraine will make it possible to increase the efficiency of public and private investment in higher education in Ukraine by the criterion of graduates’ employment and income.
Key words: higher and vocational education, monitoring, graduates’ employment, database, quality, efficiency, education competitiveness.
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