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№1 (35) 2019

Demography and social economy, 2019, 1(35):97-125
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.01.100
UDC 331-043.7«20»

А.M. Kolot
ScD (Economics), Professor, Vice rector in Charge of Research and Academic Affairs
SHEI “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”
Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Prospect Peremogy, 54/1
E-mail: kolot@kneu.edu.ua

O.A. Herasymenko
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor
SHEI “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”
Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Prospect Peremogy, 54/1
E-mail: gerasimenko_o_o@ukr.net

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article proves the need to rethink the prospects of social and labor development in the context of a new globalization (the so-called second and third disengagement) and a new (digital, network) economy, in particular, the “emasculation” of the latter. The argumentation regarding the new opportunities that a new economy opens for a man of labor, and the constraints and threats posed by large-scale, multi-vectored changes of the present days, is given. The necessity of changing the theoretical, philosophical understanding of technical, technological, economic, social and labor realities is substantiated. The authors make an attempt to look into the future of the world of labor. The main concept advocated by the authors is that the information-communication, digital and other breakthrough technologies of “Industry 4.0” stipulate the establishment of a new format of globalization and global social division of labor, as well as a new platform of social and labor development. In a more generalized interpretation, the purpose of the article is to regulate existing ideas regarding the nature of transformations and trends in the development of the world of labor, and formulate new ones under the conditions of the advent of the next stages of globalization and the formation of a new economy. The essence of the present-day phenomena, which cause the development of a new platform of social and labor development in the first decades of the XXI century, is covered. The dominants of the author’s mental model of contemporary social and labor development are globalization and a new economy in their social and labor dimension in view of the social life of the first decades of the XXI century. Development of organization processes is viewed as a chain of so-called disjunctions in social production in a global dimension, which lead to the separation of the labor process from workers. The argumentation of the profits and losses of employees of various qualification segments from globalization and the Fourth Industrial Revolution in terms of employment and income is given. The principal differences of “Industry 4.0” in terms of their influence on the social and labor sphere are covered. The authors suggest a new theoretical construction of the features of the new platform of social and labor development under condition of introduction of technologies of “Industry 4.0” and the institutional changes that are appropriate for the new economy.
Key words: new globalization, new economy, social and labor development, “emasculation” of economy.
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