№1 (35) 2019
Demography and social economy, 2019, 1(35):69-81
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.01.069
UDC 314.7
O.A. Malynovska
Dr. Sс (Public Administration), chief researcher
National Institute for Strategic Studies,
Pyrogova str., 7 а, 01030 Kyiv, Ukraine
E-mail: malinovska@niss.gov.ua
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to present analysis results of the patterns of the repatriation process, to summarize
foreign experience in developing and implementing a policy to promote and encourage the return of migrants,
and to formulate proposals on the state policy of return and reintegration in Ukraine. Return, along with leaving
and staying abroad, is an integral part of the migration process. It benefits both migrants who, through
work abroad, improve their living conditions in their homeland and country of origin as a result of replenishing
human and intellectual resources by people who have gained a new, progressive experience. In this regard in many countries, where, as in Ukraine, the outflow of population and, consequently, the return are numerical, a
state policy has been formed on the return and reintegration of their citizens. Its goals and means are defined in
documents of a conceptual nature. For their implementation, specific action plans have been developed. There
are special executive bodies responsible for implementing the planned activities. Typically, the state’s activities
are aimed at properly informing returnees as well as improving their positions in the labor market through the
development of skills and retraining, the recognition of foreign skills acquired, and in some countries, in the form
of direct assistance in opening their own businesses, providing irrevocable grants or preferential loans, tax breaks.
Developing an appropriate policy in Ukraine as a mechanism that will encourage migrants to return, and will
prevent re-departure is necessary for both economic and demographic reasons. For the purpose of its formation
and taking into account foreign experience, it seems expedient to put on the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
the function of encouraging repatriation and facilitating the reintegration of returning migrants. As the issue goes
beyond the authority of a separate department, a permanent interagency working group needs to be set up to resolve
it. It is necessary to introduce a procedure for duty-free import of means of production and goods of production
purpose by the returnees for the purpose of establishing / developing their own business or agricultural production.
It is promising to co-operate with interested countries of destination of Ukrainian migrants in developing and
implementing joint return and reintegration programs for Ukrainian migrants in the Motherland. To determine
the scale of returns and key characteristics of returnees, their problems and needs, scientific researches on the
phenomenon of repatriation, its motives and results are extremely necessary.
Key words: migration policy, returnees, directions and mechanisms of repatriation policy
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