№1 (35) 2019
Demography and social economy, 2019, 1(35):209-217
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.01.209
UDC 332, 330.1
Yu.А. Klymenko
Head economist
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, blvd Taras Shevchenko, 60
Е-mail: yuliia_klymenko@ukr.net
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The specificity of the social exclusion concept lies in the pluralistic approach to the term definition. The social
exclusion multidimensionality involves various subjective interpretations. In the process of using the operationalization
of this term, it becomes increasingly indistinct, and characteristics are often leveled off. The concept of
social exclusion of housing covers many dimensions and a wide range of social and economic issues. In order to
avoid conceptual and analytical difficulties as a result of interpretative diversity, the paper proposes a method
for calculating social exclusion in housing conditions.
The purpose of the article is to determine the criteria for social exclusion of housing conditions and to develop
a detailed methodology for measurement. A system list of indicators for defining the social exclusion in housing
conditions is developed. If housing conditions have some indicators from the proposed list, a household is identified
as socially excluded. The algorithm for measurement of social exclusion must be based on the introduction of certain boundary for each dimension of exclusion in housing conditions: when a situation is worse than the
established boundary, a person or a household is considered as socially excluded.
The article also proposes an option to evaluate the chances of exiting social exclusion. The methodology is
intended for measurement of the continuum of socially excluded in housing conditions social groups and consists
of three parts. At the first stage there is an assessment of the scale of social exclusion in housing conditions, at
the second stage of exclusions by housing conditions are classified according to the intensity, at the third stage
they are ranked according to the degree of exclusion. Evaluation option of chances of exiting social exclusion is
proposed. The risk groups of exclusion, for which the situation can critically deteriorate in the event of a slight
change in social status, are highlighted.
Key words: housing conditions, excluded, admissible social exclusion, moderate social exclusion, high social
exclusion, exorbitant social exclusion, scale of social exclusion, saturated social exclusion, unsaturated social
exclusion, Ukraine, household.
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