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№1 (35) 2019

Demography and social economy, 2019, 1(35):196-208
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.01.196
UDC 303.436

A.V. Veremchuk
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko Blvd, 60
E-mail: anne.veremtchouk@gmail.com

М.А. Rozbyckyj
Ph.D. Student
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko Blvd, 60
E-mail: mishanyarozbitskiy@gmail.com

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In recent years the number of Ukrainians working abroad has been constantly increasing making labour migration one of the topical issues. Notwithstanding, the available statistics on labour migrants derived from statistical, social and administrative data cannot satisfy the needs of researchers, experts and public officials in timely and unbiased data. As a result, various estimates of labour migration scales and future trends are presented in articles. In this situation researches try to use alternative information sources, including Big Data. Big Data does not only solve the problem of timeliness in receiving information, but also allows obtaining accurate data in areas where earlier evidences were partial (for example, routes of illegal migrants). In the article the main types of “big data” which can be used for studying migration are described as well as their availability for researchers and main shortcomings. To estimate potential of “big data” usage, pilot research was conducted based on the information from open sources, namely Google Trends and job search websites. The results showed that data retrieved from Google Trends reflects the change of the labor migration directions from the Russian Federation to Poland after 2014 (when annexation of Crimea took place and the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine started). At the same time, the structure of vacancies (coded according to Ukrainian analogue of ISCO) from the job search websites does not correspond to professional structure of labor migrants from Ukraine. It was concluded, that “big data” (from open sources) can only be used for superficial description of trends in migration processes, but cannot help researches in identifying scales of migration. Thus, today in Ukraine “big data” cannot replace traditional statistics in migration research. The main barriers for implementation of “big data”-driven decisions are (1) low level of Internet usage in Ukraine (compared to developed countries); (2) absence of legislative regulation of researchers’ access to data retained by private companies and (3) shortage of specialists with necessary qualifications.
Key words: labor migration, data sources, Big Data, Google Trends, Internet, data source.
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