№1 (35) 2019
Demography and social economy, 2019, 1(35):166-181
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.01.148
UDC 330.59
H.Yu. Mishchuk
Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof.
National University of Water Management and Environmental Engineering
33028, Ukraine, Rivne, st. Soborna, 11
E-mail: h.y.mischuk@nuwm.edu.ua
PhD (Economics), Associate Prof.
National University of Water Management and Environmental Engineering
33028, Ukraine, Rivne, st. Soborna, 11
E-mail: g.m.urchik@nuwm.edu.ua
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: According to the results of the social exclusion study, its essence was clarified as well as the differences in the
system of adjacent socio-economic categories: poverty (as a factor and indicator of social exclusion), deprivation
(one of the varieties, which implies limited social partnership in certain sphere of social life as a consequence of
existing deprivations based on acquired statuses, social conditions and circumstances), discrimination (as factors
of social exclusion due to violation of the principle of equality) marginalization and lumpenization (as the extreme
case of social exclusion which causes the formation of a “social bottom”). Based on a study of available statistical
data, limited possibilities for direct assessment of the scale of social exclusion in Ukraine are proved. Within the
framework of assessing the factors of social exclusion, the trends and magnitudes of poverty in Ukraine have been
investigated; as a result, higher objectivity and analytical value of poverty indicators determined on the basis
of the actual subsistence level were proven: 34.9% of its level in 2017 is an essential manifestation of risk poor
quality of life and the probability of social exclusion for more than a third of Ukrainian society. It is possible to
estimate the scale of social exclusion on the basis of deprivation indicators. Deprivation by the separate feature
predetermines social exclusion of the population only from a certain sphere of social life. The greatest level of
deprivation of population in Ukraine is inherent to such spheres as health care, recreation and leisure facilities,
and the purchase of non-food products. The estimation of the deprivation of Ukrainian population comparing
to the close European countries proves the maintenance of a substantially higher level of material deprivation
by several features, which provoke the threat of the exclusion of the relevant groups of the population from a
certain sphere of public life. At the same time, in the self-assessments of deprivation, which only fragmentarily
characterizes the exclusion on individual grounds, the plurality of social problems or deprivations are not reflected
enough. For a more objective analysis and identification of the preconditions for the formation of social exclusion
risk, an approach to its evaluation based on the analysis of deprivation by several features is proposed. Approbation
of the proposed approach with the definition of the proportion of people deprived by three and four features
enables to make more objective comparisons of the set of prerequisites for the formation of social exclusion, and
not only some of its manifestations, which may reflect their subjective higher significance in different approaches
of analysts with different research goals.
Key words: social exclusion, poverty, deprivation, discrimination, marginalization, lumpenization.
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