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№1 (35) 2019

Demography and social economy, 2019, 1(35):152-165
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.01.135
UDC 365-042.3:314.17

V.S. Shyshkin
PhD (Economics), Leading Researcher
Ptoukha Institute of Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Taras Shevchenkо blvd, 60
E-mail: vlad_hdi@ukr.net

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to identify the interconnection between changes in the demographic situation and housing conditions of the population. The need for housing is one of the basic needs of a person. At the present stage of human development, this has been transformed into the need to have a home that fits the existing standards for quantitative and qualitative characteristics. And living conditions have become one of the main aspects of living standards. It should be noted that living conditions of the population are influenced by many factors. Since housing is built to satisfy the needs of people, the impact of demographic factors must be substantial. It is surprisingly difficult to prove this, since it is almost impossible to eliminate the influence of other factors, besides, the connection has a certain indefinite lag. In modern studies, the focus is on the impact of housing conditions on demographic processes, population health and quality of life. But there is a link between the demographic situation and living conditions. It is proved in the article that for the last two centuries the main demographic factor that had a significant impact on the living conditions of the population is the growth of the population. This growth was caused by the historical process, which was called “demographic transition”. The scheme of estimation of the full impact of increasing the population size on the living conditions of the population is constructed. It is substantiated that in countries where the demographic transition has ended, the importance of demographic determinants has rapidly diminished. The factors and processes that formed the modern housing stock of Ukraine over the past hundred years are identified. The influence of dynamics of population size and dynamics of construction of new housing in Ukraine and some countries of the world since 1980 is estimated. This is a comparative estimation of housing conditions of the population of Ukraine and individual countries with certain demographic indicators. The analysis of the influence of the demographic situation in Ukraine on the level of housing security for a long period is carried out. The relationship between overpopulation of the home and the level of fertility is estimated. The dynamics of renovation of the housing stock is analyzed, and the disappointing conclusion is made that if current pace of renovation is maintained, Ukraine will not reach the present level of developed countries before 40-50 years. The influence of population dynamics and changes in the size of the housing stock on the level of provision with the total residential area of Ukraine’s population is estimated.
Key words: housing conditions, demographic factors, demographic explosion, types of reproduction, population dynamics, living space, density of residence, overcrowding, migration movement, housing renewal coefficient.
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