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№3 (34) 2018

Demography and social economy, 2018, 3(34):124-134
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2018.03.124
UDC 314.5.063; 314.643

L.E. Menabdishvili
PhD in economic, associate researcher
Illia State University Institute of Demography and Sociology
0162, Georgia, Tbilisi, C. Cholokashvili str. 3/5
E-mail: lelamen@gmail.com

N.E. Menabdishvili
PhD in economic, assistant researcher
Illia State University Institute of Demography and Sociology
0162, Georgia, Tbilisi, C. Cholokashvili str. 3/5
E-mail: nanamen@gmail.com

N.A. Gomelauri
Associate researcher
Illia State University Institute of Demography and Sociology
0162, Georgia, Tbilisi, C. Cholokashvili str. 3/5
E-mail: gomelaurinino@yahoo.com

V.Z. Shushtakashvili
PhD in economic, deputy Director
Illia State University Institute of Demography and Sociology
0162, Georgia, Tbilisi, C. Cholokashvili str. 3/5
E-mail: vano.74@mail.ru

Language: Russian
Abstract: The following article is based on the results of the sociological research conducted in 2014 by the Ilia State University’s Institute of demography and sociology. 1500 families were interviewed altogether within the mentioned research in three Georgian cities: Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Kaspi. The article deals with the issue of transformation of Georgian family from the late XX century up until today. During the late years of the previous century, the ongoing political, social-economic and cultural processes in the country introduced some changes in the system of values, which had an impact on the family as well. Significant changes have been revealed in such basic parameters as: distribution of power, determination of specific roles of the spouses and the contribution of activities in the family. It is shown that the growth of women’s economic independence stipulated the increase of their power in the family. This fact, in turn, has changed the traditional understanding of the concept of the “head of the family”. Nevertheless, it remains as the necessary layer in the system of family relationships. Aside from that, women can also play the part of the head of the family now. Changes in the distribution of the family affairs, which resulted in a bigger number of men becoming involved in those affairs, are revealed. However, women’s lot, in terms of managing family affairs, is still far from ideal. A lot of the types of family affairs are still considered to be purely feminine. It has been shown that despite the changes in the partner relationships, the causes of discontent spawned in the course of marital relationships have primarily stayed the same. There is a confirmed positive societal attitude toward the transformation of the family, which merits a conclusion: although certain families in Georgia are still largely characterized by conservatism, which is highly influenced by cultural traditions, transformation of families from orthodox to egalitarian type during the late period of the previous century, will attain higher proportions in the time to come.
Key words: head of family, a breadwinner, family duties, family roles.
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