№3 (34) 2018
Demography and social economy, 2018, 3(34):161-174
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2018.03.161
UDC 314.9:336.02
O.I. Dyakonenko
PhD (Economics), Senior Research Fellow
Ptоukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, blvd. Taras Shevchenko, 60
E-mail: oksana.dyakonenko@gmail.com
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The influence of financial decentralization on the development of rural settlements is investigated by analyzing
the shifts in financial provision as a condition of development of settlements and estimating the balance of rural
budgets as requirements of rural communities’ financial capacity to withstand destabilization of development. It
was found that the impact of fiscal decentralization on the development of rural settlements is subject to a number
of risks (low of involvement of financial provision instruments, increasing financial burden on financially self-sufficient villages in united territorial communities, low effectiveness expenditure of the rural budget, etc.). It has been
revealed that the transformation of the structure of local budgets and the growth of the budgetary independence
of communities will have a significant impact on: the economic development of rural settlements, subject to tax
autonomy and discipline of local government; aggravation of socio-economic asymmetry under the influence of
decentralization of taxes in conditions of significant subsidies and fluctuations of the national financial system; a rise in the standard of living of the population, subject to an increase in social spending and a significant share
of the public sector; the field of education, especially primary and secondary education, through the delegation
of educational functions to the local level and their financial support, as well as the active participation of the
local community in the financing, management and control of these institutions; the health sector, which, given
the inadequate management and low level of tax decentralization, will be characterized by a deterioration in
the availability and quality of medical services for the rural population; improvement of local infrastructure due
to the ability of communities to independently control costs, which will reduce the cost of work and maximize
local needs. The prospects for the development of rural settlements in Ukraine due to the influence of financial
decentralization implementation are substantiated.
Key words: rural budget, rural settlements, development, financial decentralization, income, expenditure, Ukraine.
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