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¹2 (33) 2018

Demography and social economy, 2018, 2(33):103-116
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2018.02.103
UDC 316.42

O.V. Makarova
Dr. Sc. (Economics), correspondent member NAS of Ukraine
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Ukraine, 01032, Kyiv, blvd Taras Shevchenka, 60
E-mail: makarova_h@ukr.net

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The essence of the concept of risks in the system of social relations is defined in the article. The interpretation of social risks as the degree of danger of certain events, processes, and phenomena that may have negative consequences for the state or dynamics of human development is justified. On the basis of the proposed interpretation, subject-object interactions are defined. The objects of human development risks are characteristics of large populations (territory, country, region, global). Subjects – the causes of the emergence of risks (natural disasters, climate change, pollution, political decisions, behavioral strategies of the population). Risk factors are the properties of a social system or characteristics of an event that adversely affect the parameters of human development. The author presents a classification of risks. The classification is based on a complex of features: levels of formation, the degree of predictability, the sphere of formation, the localization of manifestations. Opportunities are defined depending on the levels of formation of factors and levels of localization. Approaches to identification of risks, which are formed under the influence of global and national factors, are suggested. An assessment is made of the most threatening tendencies of the modern world, which were presented in the global report of 2017. Their specificity for Ukraine in the context of the formation of human development risks are determined. In particular, the peculiarities of the aging process for Ukraine and its consequences are covered. The specifics of the migration situation and the nature of the demographic risks associated with labor migration are determined. The contradictory nature and risks associated with the processes of formation of economic inequality and the «consumer society» are determined. The characteristics of information space risks are given. Approaches to identification and assessment of human development risks on examples of health risks (the construction of logical risk-creation schemes) and poverty are presented as an interpretation of individual characteristics in terms of the formation of human development risks.
Key words: human development, social risks, social relations, risk generation factors, globalization, risk localization, risk assessment, consumer society.
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