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¹2 (32) 2018

Demography and social economy, 2018, 2(33):94-102
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2018.02.094
UDC 314.04

PhD (Economics) Researcher
Demography and Sociology Institute
Ilia State University
0162, Georgia, Tbilisi, Cholokashvili str., 3/5
E-mail: mziashe@yahoo.com

Language: English
Abstract: The presented paper is based on the sociological research conducted by the Institute of Demography and Sociology in recent years that considered studying the regularities and specifics of socio-demographic modernization of a family. The research has found that in the post-Soviet Georgia, prolonging the learning process, along with the economic factor, has had a major impact on the students` reproductive behavior. It has been confirmed that the in public’s youngest, intellectual section, the traditional attitude towards the family and marriage relationships is deeply rooted. A sharply negative attitude was identified with respect to giving birth to an extramarital child. The young people believe that a family shall only be created based on love, not on mercenariness. It was found that for them, the process of study, career promotion and marriage are the factors which are incompatible. Therefore, a small share of students were observed to have a wish to get married within the next 5 years. For most of all, the reluctance to take a decision to get married it associated, most of all, with the difficulty to choose a partner. This has been conditioned both by the intention to become economically independent as well as by the psychological immaturity for creating a family. It was identified that this is also an outcome of the gaps existing in the family upbringing and educational system. In particular, along with training the youth in different regular subjects, they are not trained for family relationships. This shall be taken into account for determining family policy measures and developing educational programs. Mass media are able to make great contribution to that process. Unlike their parents’ generation, students intend to have more children that will not worsen the country’s demographic situation. While determining a future child’s gender, no gender-specific bias has been observed so far. It was also identified that the parents` influence on marriage and on determining the number of children to be born has been dramatically reduced; however, the feeling of obligation towards the senior generation has not gone. Also, it was found that in the light of intense globalization, despite vaster opportunities to leave one’s own country, the intense interaction with different cultures has, presumably, further highlighted the feeling of ethnic identity.
Key words: Georgia, student, reproductive behavior, marriage, family.
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