¹2 (33) 2018
Demography and social economy, 2018, 2(33):11-26
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2018.02.011
UDC 331.556.4(477)
Academician of NAS of Ukraine, Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof., director
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko Blvd, 60
E-mail: libanova@ukr.net
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The role of external migration in the modern and future development of Ukraine is defined. Its main components
are considered, differing in the duration of their stay abroad, the composition of participants, the impact on the
overall social and economic situation in the country and the life of migrant families. The short agrarian migration,
short non agrarian migration, long migration, brain drain, educational migration and going to a permanent
place of residence are highlighted, their effects are characterized from position of Ukrainian economy and
migrant’s household. The scale and texture of migratory flows in the countries of destination is clarified. The
author highlights various estimates of the scale of migration and explains the reasons for these differences, she
leads calculations of migration mobility of difference groups of Ukrainian population. It is shown that external
migrations in modern Ukraine perform the functions of social elevators, and declaring intentions of leaving the
country has become a mode of behavior. The reasons of international migration are studied and the author’s
conclusion follows: the main factor is differences between wage in Ukraine and potential remuneration in the
country of destination, but the important role plays mentality. This thesis author illustrates by examples of Poland
and Hungary: Poland is leader of Eastern European countries according to reforms, the economic growth, living
standards and simultaneously polish population emigration rate; Hungary economy remains poorly reformed,
the economic growth is low, but migration mobility is poor. Due to traditional high mobility of Ukrainians the
idea stopping of external migration solely through the growth of wages is unreasonable. The possibilities of state
influence on the migration behavior of the population are outlined and the most effective actions, from the point
of view of the author, are highlighted.
Key words: external migration, migration behavior, reasons for leaving, consequences of external migration.
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