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¹2 (33) 2018

Demography and social economy, 2018, 2(33):154-167
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2018.02.154
UDC 316.334.55 : 316.42 (477)

L.V. Holovko
PhD (Economics), Senior Research
Ptîukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, blvd Taras Shevchenko, 60
E-mail: holovko_lilia@ukr.net

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The problems of improvement of rural settlements are determined and ways of their solution in the conditions of decentralization are grounded, which will help to reduce regional disproportions in the social development of rural settlements in Ukraine. The author stresses that the implementation of reforms in our country is through the reconstruction of a certain sphere, the introduction of a completely new institutional field in the context of the updated legislation. It has been outlined that the key indicator in the course of these processes is the degree of responsibility and the level of cooperation between local authorities and community members in finding opportunities for its long-term development and changing the quality of life of Ukrainians in communities. The international and national experience of the improvement of rural settlements in accordance with the needs of their population is analyzed. The main problems of rural settlements improvement in the regions of Ukraine are determined. It is substantiated that the main components of the improvement of rural settlements, which contribute to the increase of living standards and the availability of social services, including communal services, are the provision of peasants with transportation and engineering infrastructure. Improving the state of the transport and engineering infrastructure is the main task at both the local and state level. In this context, the role of local selfgovernment bodies in carrying out measures on rural settlements improvement is estimated. The positive impact of decentralization processes on improvement level of peripheral villages in certain regions is grounded. The positive influence of the decentralization process on improvement of villages is argued. The positive influence of population activation on common living conditions improvement in rural settlements is established. The importance of improving the regulatory framework for concession implementation is determined. Ways of improvement of Ukrainian rural settlements and of rural population living conditions are proposed.
Key words: rural population, rural settlements, living conditions, improvement of rural settlements, united territorial communities, activation of rural communities.
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