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¹2 (33) 2018

Demography and social economy, 2018, 2(33):140-153
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2018.02.140
UDC 331.5.024.5 (477)

V.L. Zhakhovska
PhD (Economics), Senior Research
Ptîukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko blvd, 60
E-mail: valentinnazh@gmail.com

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The systemic reform of the administrative-territorial system of Ukraine implies a new division of powers between executive authorities and local self-government bodies, which significantly extends the competence of the latter. In these conditions it is important to assess the latest trends and real opportunities for the implementation of the social function of local self-government, including through the operation of communal property objects. The article defines the circle of subjects, tools and resources for influencing social development of settlements according to the levels of the hierarchical system of governance in Ukraine. The reasons and consequences of the reduction of the communal sector in the context of influence on social trends in the territorial community are established. The necessity of maintaining sufficient volumes of property, the number of enterprises and communal property objects is proved, which provide the basis for full and prompt fulfilment of socially important functions of local authorities. The positive tendencies of the social development of territorial communities after them obtaining extended powers for the management of the municipal economy are revealed – from the support of communal objects in the minimum working condition to their modernization, reorientation and activation of their socioeconomic potential. Based on the analysis of data on development expenditures for the social goals of the united territorial communities in the regions, conclusions are drawn about the significant regional differentiation of the financial capacity of the municipalities, including the implementation of social initiatives in rural settlements. Problems in functioning of communal institutions of the social sphere of rural settlements, which arise during the coordination of interests of all subjects of the right of communal property as a result of the formation of united territorial communities are revealed. The urgent need to streamline the issues of communal land ownership are proved in order to strengthen the material and financial basis of local self-government, aimed at forming positive trends of social development of rural settlements. The latest trends in the transfer of state agricultural land to communal property by rural, village, united territorial communities are assessed.
Key words: social development, communal property, municipal economy, decentralization.
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