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№1 (32) 2018

Demography and social economy, 2018, 1(32):11-28
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2018.01.011
UDC 314

Anatol Romanyuk
Professor, University of Alberta
Ottawa, Canada

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In recent years, this author has devoted some of his research to the question of stationary population as a policy vision for Canada and beyond. The focus was largely economics and ecology. The virtue of the stationary population, it was argued, is that it cut across the long-term concerns of ecologists and short-term concerns of economists. The present paper, while reiterating some of the same economic arguments, addresses stationary population as a policy option from the point of view of national identity and social cohesion. To this end, it explores the policy and ideological dimensions of multiculturalism in Canada. It also examines immigration trends in Canada and Western Europe, and makes some incursions into the history of how cosmopolitan states have fared. The paper’s conclusion is that stationary population is optimal in terms of national identity and social cohesion.
Key words: population policy, population growth, John Stuart Mill, social cohesion, multiculturalism.
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