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¹1 (32) 2018

Demography and social economy, 2018, 1(32):166-180
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2018.01.166
ÓÄÊ 331.5

I.L. Petrova
ScD (Economics), Prof.,
Head of Marketing and Behavioral Economics Chair
University of Economics and Law KROK
03113, Ukraine, Kyiv, Lagerna St., 30-32
Å-mail: petrovakrok@gmail.com

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The main idea of the article is the justification of the formation process of the market of innovative work as a separate segment, determining and evaluating its trends and prospects of further development. Particular features of the innovative work that allow uniting its subjects in a specific market segment are covered. The definition of innovative labor market and features of its functioning is given in the aspect of demand and supply interaction, labor price set, competition character. It is proven that the innovative labor market trends are emerging under the influence of factors of demand (the innovative activity of enterprises, innovation dynamic, innovation implementation, market innovation infrastructure) and factors of proposition (the development of science and education, quantity of employees in the sphere of innovative activity, the professional and qualification level of innovative employees, readiness to innovate, innovation employment). The innovative labor market is presented as a part of general market cycle. The concept of congruent innovation markets (markets of intellectual property, innovative technology, products, innovative work, innovative education) and the principles of their interaction are stated. On the basis of the analysis it is revealed that the characteristics of the market of innovative work, inherent at this stage, include the low and, at the same time, unsatisfied demand for innovative work, disparity and imbalance of supply and demand in the market of innovative work in conditions of quantitative reduction of the proposition, irregularity of the market development of innovative work in aspects of regions and activities, imbalance and lack of congruence of innovation markets, shortcomings of institutional support, lack of adequate incentives to innovation. A conclusion is made about the necessity of switching from the inertial scenario of innovative labor market development to modernization scenario in unity with complex social and economical transformation, which is defined in the aspects of the parameters, conditions and measures for its implementation.
Key words: innovative work, innovative labor market, congruent innovative markets, innovation activity, modernization scenario.
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