¹1 (32) 2018
Demography and social economy, 2018, 1(32):140-152
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2018.01.140
ÓÄÊ: 365, 330.59(477)
V.A. Shlykova
PhD (Economics), researcher
Research Centre for Industrial Development Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
61166, prov. Inzhenernyi, 1a, Kharkiv, Ukraine
E-mail: v.shlykova@ukr.net
O.M. Levanda
postgraduate, lead engineer
Research Centre for Industrial Development Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
61166, prov. Inzhenernyi, 1a, Kharkiv, Ukraine
E-mail: levanda2008@rambler.ru
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The goal of the article is to determine the relationship between such basic factors as income level, nutrition
conditions and life expectancy in Ukraine and EU countries. On the basis of analysis of data for 2016 in 20 EU
countries and Ukraine, it was found that among the countries studied, Ukraine has lowest level of these factors.
The correlation and regression analysis confirmed the existence of close relationship and determined the type life
expectancy dependence on gross national income per capita and food security index in the studied countries. It
has also been established that Ukrainians are forced to spend most of their income on basic nutrition to ensure
their livelihoods. Comparison of real consumption of main food groups with the recommendations of the Ministry
of Health of Ukraine and legally established norms showed that the average Ukrainian working age population
consumes more rational standards in only three of the ten major groups of food products. For the rest of the main
food products groups, actual consumption is less than rational standards, which indicates that the income level of
the average Ukrainian diet corresponds to the standards of the basic social standard. Thus, the average income
of the average consumer does not provide a full and efficient diet aimed at strengthening health and preventing
disease. Legislative provisions regarding the basic factors that form the health of different groups of the population
contain many contradictions and do not provide rational consumption norms, which in turn leads to the
destruction of the middle class and the increase of the share of the population that is on the verge of poverty.
The indicator “average life expectancy at birth” in Ukraine over the past 13 years has a tendency to increase,
however, at a slow pace, and therefore remains low compared to the EU countries. The basic factors and the
inconsistency of legislation impede the growth of the indicator of life expectancy of the population of Ukraine to
the level of the EU countries. Modernization of the basic social standard in accordance with the rational norms
recommended by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is proposed and the necessity of providing the appropriate
legal regulation is proved.
Key words: income, life expectancy, food conditions, rational norm, set of food products, food security index,
standard of living, health, population groups.
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