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¹3 (31) 2017

Demography and social economy, 2017, 3(31):89-99
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2017.03.089
UDC 316:336

M.I. Karlin
Dr. Sc.(Economics), Prof.
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
43025, Ukraine, Lutsk, Volya Avenue, 13
E-mail: Karlin.Mukola@gmail.com

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The content of new forms of financial incentives for raising the level of socioeconomic responsibility of business, territorial communities and citizens that contribute to the establishment of a «green» economy in the world and in Ukraine is considered. The influence of socially responsible business on the limitation of greenhouse gas emissions and on the development of renewable energy sources is revealed. The social role of territorial communities and households in developing a «green» economy in developed countries and the necessity of using this experience in Ukraine are revealed. The socioeconomic problems of financing of measures for the establishment of the «green» economy in Ukraine at the level of individual enterprises, territorial communities and households are analyzed. Ways to solve them through the use of «green» finance and their components, such as climate finance, climatic positive and negative incentives, carbon tax, carbon stock exchanges, green bonds, green tariffs, revolving loans, etc, are proposed. Socio-economic preconditions for obtaining financial aid from the Green Climate Fund, other international financial organizations by separate Ukrainian enterprises, territorial communities and households under current conditions are researched. While using international financial assistance to solve climatic problems, it must be taken into account that a significant part of this assistance to poor countries may not be used effectively. Therefore, in our country, as well as in other developing countries, it is necessary to involve the public and the business as much as possible in order to control the use of «green» finance. To increase the level of socio-economic responsibility of business, territorial communities and individuals for the state of the environment, it is important for the state and local governments to stimulate financially the development of energy co-operatives in Ukraine, thousands of which work in different countries of the European Union.
Key words: socio-economic responsibility, ecology-economic Pigou paradox, green economy, green finance, carbon tax, «revolving» credit, «green» tariff.
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