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¹3 (31) 2017

Demography and social economy, 2017, 3(31):76-88
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2017.03.076
UDC 330.3 +364

V.P. Zvonar
PhD (Economics), senior researcher, senior staff scientist
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, blvd. Taras Shevchenko, 60
E-mail: viktorzvonar@yahoo.com

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper explores the practice of functioning of a smart-community as a model of communication and constructive cooperation of economic entities. The specific visions of the implementation of the given model are systematized. The criteria that reveal the actual socio-economic characteristics (socio-economic profile) of the model are proposed. The first such criterion appears to be a type of residence area (urban vs non-urban). In accordance with this criterion, the urban and the convergent visions of a smart-community are identified in the paper. The first one absolutizes the needs of urban areas and contributes to the development of the well-known concept of “smart-city”. The paper argues that from a socio-economic point of view, limiting of the scope of the smart community model to urban spaces is unnecessary, although such limiting is often actually the case. Therefore, the alternative vision of a smart-community is called for. This vision can be addressed as the convergent one. It does not contrast urban areas with non-urban ones, but consolidates them. The second criterion is the degree of social orientation of the functional components of the smart-community model. Such components include but are not limited to basic stakeholders in a community, algorithms for their interaction, etc. The extent to which these components can be perceived as “socialized” sets ground for distinguishing between the engineer (with a primary focus on the new information technologies deployment ) and the humanistic vision (with a primary focus on human and social capital issues) of a smart-community. The paper argues that the humanistic and the convergent visions are most appropriate for the socio-economic profile of the smart community model. This profile enables the implementation of social policy in a smart-community and promotes the social responsibility of economic entities. The paper also dwell on the directions of innovative activity of social policy agents in a smart community. An algorithm for implementing of the socio-economic role of this model is formulated. The self-organization of local population is viewed as an integral part of this algorithm. The paper concluded that practice of the functioning of smart communities in Ukraine does not yet sufficiently take into account their socio-economic potential.
Key words: smart community, e-communication, criterion, social policy, entity, self-organization, social responsibility.
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