¹2 (30) 2017
Demography and social economy, 2017, 2(30):78-88
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2017.02.078
ÓÄÊ 314.745.22:314.745.23
O.A. Malynovska
Dr. Sc. (Public Administration),
National Institute for Strategic Studies
01030, Ukraine, Kyiv, Pyrogova str., 7a
E-mail: malynovska@voliacable.com
O.O. Kolomiiets
PhD (Economics),
National Institute for Strategic Studies
01030, Ukraine, Kyiv, Pyrogova str., 7a
E-mail: kolomietsniss@gmail.com
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The aim of the article is to identify and analyze the demographic consequences of the Russian aggression against
Ukraine. The publication points out the main consequences of the war for the Ukrainian state: caring for the
social security of about 1.6 million (about 4 % of the total population) of internally displaced persons and an
increase in the migration flow to the Russian Federation. For the last two decades the Russian Federation faced
serious demographic threats to its stable social and economic development. The main ones are: uneven settlement
across the country, crisis of the family institution, short average life expectancy, deformations of the population
age and sex structure. That became a prerequisite for the development and implementation of special policies
which stimulate refugees from Ukraine to change their citizenship. An analysis of the results of these policies
showed that the prior plans of the aggressor country on mass migration from Ukraine to the Russian Federation,
the quantity of new Russian citizens from Ukrainian refugees and the manageability of the geography of their
resettlement were not justified. The urgent task of the migration policy of Ukraine is to develop policy measures
aimed at stimulating and facilitating the return of Ukrainian refugees from Russia.
Key words: migration, hybrid war, demographic threats, migrants, internally displaced persons, migration policy.
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