¹2 (30) 2017
Demography and social economy, 2017, 2(30):211-224
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2017.02.211
ÓÄÊ 330.564.2: 316.334.55
I.V. Dvornyk
assistant of Department of Agricultural Economics
SS National University of Life and
Environmental Sciences of Ukraine «Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute»
16600, Ukraine, Nizhyn, Shevchenko str., 10
E-mail: i.dvornyk@ukr.net
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The research is devoted to the estimation of influence of demographic, social and economic factors on formation
of rural population’s income, whose peculiarity is the quantitative leading of dependence on a microlevel.
The actuality of the topic is due to the worsening of conditions of formation of rural population’s income and the
decline in the level of satisfaction of vital needs of inhabitants of rural locality. It is established that the reason
for such situation is the influence of macroeconomic factors: inflation, increase of parity of purchasing power,
consumer price index, size of national debt and other. With the aim of the quantitative leading of dependence on
the microlevel modeling methods are applied. It is determined at the calculation of parameters of the model, that
the level of the average monthly money income of rural households among the considered socio-demographic
characteristics is most influenced by availability of working members of households and children under 18 years.
Among the given socio-economic characteristic income from the sale of cattle, poultry, bees and social benefits
has the most impact. Benefits diminish the possibility of receiving of greater money income. Within the framework
of the research theoretical and practical recommendations are proposed to improve the income level of the rural
population, particularly the expansion of the labor market in rural areas, the activation of control over the operations of lease of land shares, earmarking young farmers, support of rural population as a producer of agricultural
products, better targeting of social benefits, the use of active forms of social benefits, monetization benefits.
Key words: income, rural population, development, design, assessment, socio-economic factors.
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