¹2 (30) 2017
Demography and social economy, 2017, 2(30):166-176
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2017.02.166
ÓÄÊ 332.02
I.K. Bystryakov
Dr. Sc. (Economics), Ðrof., Vice Director on Scientific Work
State Institution «Institute of Environmental
Economics and Sustainable Development
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, blvd Taras Shevchenko, 60
Y.M. Ìanzevich
Dr. Sc. (Economics), Assoc. Ðrof., Chief Scientific Officer
Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
04053, Ukraine, Kyiv, Lane Nestorivskiy, 4
E-mail: yurimants@gmail.com
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems of habitat transformation at the local level, from the standpoint of forming
tendencies of modern social and economic relations, understanding the time factor and time resources, and
methods of using them in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on methodological issues related to the process of emergence of civil society and the creation of the preconditions of self-organization of the population. In particular,
these issues are considered by the example of condominium associations. It is emphasized that the local space
is formed within nanoeconomical regulation of relations while considering the behavior of an individual. In its
entirety, this type of relationship is revealed and can be identified in the same apartment buildings. Also, the local
area is regarded as a spatial territorial object in which a person is constantly located, and therefore as a space of
corresponding concentration of social and economic relations. The conceptual target of the article is essentially
focused at using institutional mechanisms by managing a community with a developed economic component,
including information, preventive self-control, low-cost, mixed financing, insurance, etc, to achieve a positive
transformational effect. To achieve this, we recommend focusing on improving the modern Ukrainian legislation.
It is not some group of laws and regulations which require revisions, but the paradigm of legislation as a
whole. According to the article, it is necessary to subject bills to critical analysis at the stage of idea formation
and identification of key implementation tools.
Key words: local space, civil society, self-organization, living environment, apartment owners, lawmaking.
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