¹1 (29) 2017
Demography and social economy, 2017, 1(29):66-78
Doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2017.01.066
M.M. Bil
PhD (Public Administration), Senior Researcher, Doctoral Student
State Institution «Institute of Regional Research named
after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine»
79000, Ukraine, Lviv, st. Kozelnicka, 4
E-mail: bmm1983@gmail.com
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: A retrospective review of the prerequisites of formation of spatial mobility as one of the defining features of
modern society is made. The basic practices of spatial mobility implementation in the context of the stages of
human development, that reveal the nature of mobile transitions, are identified. They reflect the perception of
spatial mobility as: a way of protection and security in the primitive society; lifestyle and search for the best living
conditions during the period of hunting and gathering society; a way of development of new territories in the
agricultural society; a way to search for the best working conditions in the period of technological changes and
rapid population growth in the industrial society. Mobility is transformed into the right and tools of demographic
and economic policy in the modern information society. The perception of mobility as a norm is expected in the
future in technological and singular society. The scientific novelty of this study is the periodization of human
development with the definition of mobile transitions.
The global growth trends in spatial mobility (external vector) are analyzed. The institutionalization of
migration as a usual practice for modern society is proven by analysing the dynamics of the number of international
migrants, refugees, students over the past 50 years. The existence of increasing number of societies, whose
dominant share of population consists of immigrants, is found. Analysis of data on the share of migrants in total
population confirms the growing demographic dependence of developed countries on the migration factor.
The results of long-term analysis of global processes for the implementation of spatial mobility allowed to
conclude that humanity is now located in the plane of the risk of uncontrolled redistribution of global human
resources. This situation forces the state migration policy to refocus from the usual migration regime practice to
the organization of systematic monitoring and determination of limits of spatial mobility. This information will
form the basis for the implementation of state migration policy to counteract migration losses.
Key words: spatial mobility, human development, mobile transitions, international migration, international
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