
¹3 (28) 2016

Demography and social economy, 2016, 3(28):58-69
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.03.058

Malynovska O.A.
Dr. Sc. (Public Administration), chief researcher
National Institute for Strategic Studies 10030, Ukraine, Kyiv, Pyrogova str., 7-A
E-mail: Malinovska@niss.gov.ua

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article shows on the basis of statistical and sociological data that under the influence of the current economic crisis and the conflict in the east of Ukraine the migration behavior of Ukrainians has changed. In particular, the volume of labor and educational migration abroad has increased, the number of citizens of Ukraine who seek asylum in foreign countries has grown. The process of reorientation of migration flows from eastern direction, toward Russia, to western direction, toward EU, has intensified. However, the overall international mobility has decreased, because the population has no money for foreign travel in the current economic circumstances. War and economic crisis has not led to significant emigration for permanent residence. Number of asylum seekers in the EU remains low as well as the number of violations of immigration law. This leads to the conclusion that the abolition of the visa regime between Ukraine and EU will not result in additional massive population movements. A moderate increase in international mobility will be mostly due to temporary travel to EU for employment and educational migration.
Key words: international mobility, migration, asylum, abolition of the visa regime.
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