
¹3 (28) 2016

Demography and social economy, 2016, 3(28):11-23
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.03.011

I.O. Kurilo
Dr. Sc. (Åconomics), Prof.
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv-32, Taras Shevchenko Blvd., 60
E-mail: kurilo2005@yandex.ru

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The factors which contribute to the historical and contemporary transformation of the institution of parenthood are analyzed. The author determines parenthood as a set of interrelated institutional and behavioral components which mediate childbearing, childcare and education as part of population reproduction. The structural and logical framework of comprehensive parenthood investigation in the demographic context is developed. This includes: consideration of socio-demographic preconditions of parenthood (childbearing intensions, reproductive health and family planning, demographic structures); analysis of fertility; investigation of institutional and behavioral peculiarities of parenthood in different types of families; study of the socio-economic environment in which parenthood is operating, including social policy on parenthood. A methodological approach to the parenthood based on integrity of demogeneration and demoreproduction is introduced.
The author also focuses attention on the necessity of investigation of new patterns of family life, values and imitation of new models and standards of parental behavior. Current trends in parenthood in Ukraine are considered. Specific features of the socio-economic environment of parenthood functioning are identified. Problems and obstacles of «responsible parenthood» formation and spreading of these social practices in various families and different stages of family lifecycle are described. Some priority principles of development of social policy on parenthood are proposed.
Key words: parenthood, family, responsible parenthood, intensive motherhood, social policy on parenthood.
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