¹3 (28) 2016
Demography and social economy, 2016, 3(28):171-185
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.03.171
U.Y. Sadova
Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof.
State Institution «Institute of Regional Research named
after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine»
79026, Ukraine, Lviv, Kozelnitska str., 4
E-mail: sadlu2004@gmail.com
O.T. Ryndzak
PhD (Economics), Senior Researcher
State Institution «Institute of Regional Research named
after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine»
79026, Ukraine, Lviv, Kozelnitska str., 4
E-mail: olichkar@yahoo.com
N.I. Andrusyshyn
PhD (Economics), Senior Researcher
State Institution «Institute of Regional Research named
after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine»
79026, Ukraine, Lviv, Kozelnitska str., 4
E-mail: andnat@ukr.net
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems of employment of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in host regions of
Ukraine. The results of the sociological survey showed extremely low level of employment of forced internal migrants.
Only every sixth participant in the study was provided with work. Thus, half of them did not work by their
specialty or had a lower income than on the previous place of work. The highest employment rate was recorded in
Volyn and Kharkiv regions, the lowest – in Zaporizhia region. Overall, respondents expressed an active position
according their own employment. Given the fact that almost half of them expressed a willingness to change of
profession or activity, to pass special courses, setting up an effective system of training and retraining of the workforce
must be one of the important ways to solve the problem of employment. First of all it is actual for those areas
where the highest level of professional mobility of immigrants was found (Ivano-Frankivsk, Volyn region.).
A differentiated approach was proposed to solving the problems of unemployment of internally displaced
persons, depending on their disposition on the future place of residence. It was found that the farther away from
the conflict zone, the greater is the proportion of people who tend to stay in the host region. In the western regions,
where the percentage of such people is the largest, it is advisable to provide benefits to employers for employing
internally displaced persons and to create favorable conditions for their self-employment and entrepreneurship.
Supporting of entrepreneurship is particularly important for the Lviv region, where a quarter of respondents expressed
willingness to start their own business. In areas where the predominant share of internal migrants with a
clear desire to return to their home (Donetsk, Zaporizhia, Kharkiv region) it is important to stimulate temporary
employment, to activate attracting of immigrants to public works. Given that in the structure of internally displaced persons there is a significant proportion of women with children it is important to encourage flexible forms
of employment (home work, flexible working hours, work on call, etc.). This concerns mainly Donetsk and Kyiv
regions where the highest proportion of mothers who stay at home to care for children was observed. Overall, the
results of the sociological survey give grounds to conclude that persons who relocated to the western regions of
Ukraine have higher levels of labor mobility and migration readiness than those, who relocated to the east.
Key words: internally displaced persons (IDPs), region, adaptation, employment, job placement, migration
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