
¹3 (28) 2016

Demography and social economy, 2016, 3(28):158-170
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.03.158

L.A. Lutay

Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof.
Institute of Staff Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine
03038, Ukraine, Kyiv, Novovokzhalna Str., 17
E-mail: lutay2012@yandex.ua.

S.G. Pom³nchuk

Postgraduate Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics Institute of staff training
of the State Employment Service of Ukraine
Deputy head of the Department of social services The Novobugsky regional employment center
55601, Mykolaiv region, Noviy Âug, Hrushevsky str., 2
E-mail: svitlana.pominchuk.73@mail.ru

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The main goal of the research is the analysis of the system of professional orientation of students and the rationale for prioritizing the implementation of innovative programs of professional orientation of students in state employment on the basis of territorial approach. The article analyzes the current state of the labor market of the Mykolaiv Oblast and promising prognostic indicators of the labor market, given the strategy of economic development of the region, are designed. The results of a survey of students of general educational institutions of 10–11 grades of the Novobugsky region of the Mykolaiv Oblast in relation to their professional choice indicate that only a fifth of students have determined their future professional choice, two-thirds do not know the needs of the region in personnel according to profession. A list of professions and types of activities specified by students for further study is given. The different poles of activities of the educational services market and the labor market are substantiated. An innovative program of professional orientation of students in state employment on the basis of territorial (regional) approach, which allows combining the needs of the education market and the labor market in specialists, for which there is demand in a particular region, is proposed. This will provide a reduction in the number of students in professions currently not relevant on the labor market of the region, and lead to an increase in the number of small businesses through the creation of youth owned business. Methods and the algorithm for selection of innovative programs of professional orientation of pupils in the public employment service are developed. The results of the research can be applied by the specialists of departments of social services employment centers of different levels, and scientists who are involved in the problems of professional orientation of students.
Key words: professional orientation, students, region, regional economy, labor market.
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