
¹3 (28) 2016

Demography and social economy, 2016, 3(28):145-157
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.03.145

Î.Ì. Khmelevska

PhD (Economics), Leading Researcher
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, blvd. Taras Shevchenkî, 60
E-mail: kh_o@ukr.net

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article aims to ground the approaches to determining of educational risks in the context of human development and the classification of these risks. This led to the consideration of the vectors for the expansion of the concept of human development, including the interpretation of the notion of «human development» and the range of its qualitative measurement, the determination of conditionality for the basic aspects of a human development and finding of importance of the educational component, the enrichment with other human-centered concepts (social exclusion, inclusion, vulnerability) and the introduction the definition of «risk» into the set of categories. The research has showed that an education is recognized as one of the basic elements of human development. It remains the constant and reliable tool for measurement of human development and acquires new functions for the realization of people’s freedoms and opportunities. Taking into account the multidimensional meaning of the notion «human development», the general principles of the modern educational space and the existence of certain patterns of a human development, the article deals with educational risks that are universal in nature and may occur during the creation of opportunities for a human development and during their use, from the individual to the social level. The proposed classification for educational risks of human development includes their types and structure, takes into account their interconnectivity and their focus on other aspects of human development. The educational risks of human development are the following: the risks of access, the risks of participation, the risks of quality and the risks of use of an educational potential.
Key words: human development, the concept of human development, education, educational risks, classification of educational risks.
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