¹2 (27) 2016
Demography and social economy, 2016, 2(27):115-129
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.02.115
L.M. Ilich
PhD (Economics),
Assosiate Professor, Senior Researcher
Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv-32, Taras Shevchenko Blvd., 60
E-mail: ilyich_l@meta.ua
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The level of economic development, competitiveness and productivity growth are closely related to workforce qualitative
characteristics among which important position are occupied by qualification, capabilities for self-improvement
and constant renewal of professional competencies. That is why the attention of academic communities all over the
world is focused on the issues of their formation, matching jobs and labor market needs. Skills provide for employed
employability, labor income, social protection and mobility, and for entrepreneurs - increased productivity, improving
competitive advantage, create new jobs and ensure financial stability. Therefore the consolidation of efforts of
all market players towards overcoming competencies disbalance is extremely important.
The paper studies the innovative European practice of building social dialogue for matching skills. The study
revealed that one of the effective methods of social dialog in this area is forecasting skills. However, there are
no single universal skills forecasting model that would satisfy requirements of all stakeholders. Every developed
country has their own history of forecasting skills and original models, which satisfy the national needs. European
practices of interaction between social partners in the field of forecasting skills are investigated in the work.
The author proposes a mechanism of social dialogue in the area of forecasting qualifications which is aimed
at implementing interests of all stakeholders by matching skills and labor market needs; improving the quality
of monitoring of labor and education markets; evaluating current and future needs of qualifications; creating
reliable information support for making decisions of investments in human capital at all levels. The expected
positive effects from realization of social dialogue in the forecasting of qualifications for the nano, micro, macro
level are determined.
Key words: labor market, social dialogue, workforce, skills, supply, demand, imbalance, skills forecasting.
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